Learning How to Learn – MIT Media Lab Design Innovation 2015

It was the morning of 15 Jan 2015, when I opened the mailbox to find an envelope there. Who knew it would lead to a complete transformation in the way I perceived the world.

Finally the day arrived when I was to leave. So there I stood at the airport with a suitcase and a ticket in my hand and nervousness and anxiety in heart. After two hours I landed at the place where a 7 day experience-which was to redesign my life-waited for me.

I was finally at MIT Media lab Design Innovation Workshop 2015 and right there in front of me were some of the luckiest graduate students belonging to the Media lab. The week kick started with the members and students being acquainted with each other.

But the experience had just begun!! Unlike the traditional learning culture, where we have to solve a given problem, we were taken on a field trip and were asked to “find our own problem”. So the task, as unusual as it might be to each of us, was “IN SEARCH OF A PROBLEM”. Our track was taken to a neighbouring old age home. That is when we realized that problems are in abundance and a problem could be small as communication handicap because using mobile phone is not that easy for them. Those two hours taught me that technological revolution is of no consequence if it lacks the human emotion, touch and thought.

Highly determined a group of four came up with the desire to help make healthcare more accessible to the seniors without them being dependent on any govt agency or public interest organization. We approached our mentors with the same thought and they said “ GO CHOOSE THE ROAD YOU WISH TO TRAVEL ON. EXPLORE!!” (Quite contrary to the monotonous methods we follow at traditional learning where all do the same thing, the same way!)

This was followed by a week of unlimited work, days of crazy maddening talks and discussions at 2 am in the night & skipping dinner only to gather a tapri at 5 in the morning to have tea and an occasional guitar jam session 😉

On 23rd Jan we finally exhibited our project which was appreciated by our fellow trackmates, people from other tracks and also the mentors. The hard work had paid off. 

I also made some of the strongest and best bonds with people whom now I call “friends”. As I found new friends some old ones were lost. Those whom I never expected to help me still stand by me, those whom I blindly believed breached my trust. This taught me that nothing is forever and the deepest cuts are from the knives that you thought you knew. I was made to see the world differently and I learnt to do so…learnt to forgive without forgetting.

As I left that place, the experiences were deeply etched in my heart. It was a place that made me “learn learning”!


As, the cool evening breeze rustled through the leaves, there was a thrill for a new experience which was about to begin and also a fear of the unknown which was to come my way.

Finally, came the dawn of 29 May, 2014, when a new chapter was added to THE DIARY of MY LIFE. It all began when I got a confirmatory mail from the  INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY to work as a summer research intern, at,  this one of its kind of space institute for a period of two months.

In the Department of Avionics; under the guidance of Dr Deepak Mishra, the internship provided me with a platform to learn, innovate and explore into the field of computer graphics and computer vision.

Here, I was to work on a project that constituted the study and implementation of  various techniques of model rendering. So, I began by studying a purely geometric reconstruction of the real world for which I used 3-D max studio and later; went on to add animations and gesture recognition methods. Hence, successfully  creating a desktop reality; using the Vizard platform and 5dt-dataglove.

After, geometric modelling the task was to use silhouette-aware warping for image based rendering; to model the real world elements from a given pair of stereoscopic images . So I started with extracting the camera parameters via calibration; went further on to calculate depth map to reduce the disparity and recreated the real world object.

After many discussions and brainstorming sessions with my guide; I was able to render a model from the stereoscopic images onto the desktop, though there were certain occlusions in the image created, it was indeed more realistic obverse to  the geometric model.



expecto patronum

While i write this  i  face the reality of the  statement given by Bill Gates “Life is not fair –  get   used to it”!!.  we have all heard it but when one has to face it.It’s always harder and it hurts .  We THINK that we have our 2 a.m friends. and they will never leave us, nothing can break the bond you share with them At times in life reality is way harder than what we expect it to be. There always will be one such Sunlight through this mist of illusion.

The harsh truth is that we start expecting too much from people around; and whenever these expectations are not met we feel shattered and betrayed. well as it is said life does not stop and look at it in retrospect they dint really owe you an explanation do they??

One’s heartache is one’s own problem , it is we who decide the importance of people,things in our life and so the pain is also ours to deal with..so should one stop trusting,believing,demanding and put your heart in a box?? for some time i thought yes what better way to save oneself from pain and agony but then after hours of crying and blaming the world and every possible thing i could find  …. the realization dawned:

it’s not the people but the situation that changes and the actions need to be judged in that perspective( its the hardest ) and if that also not justifies the actions then just remember:

Life is a computer programme. There are certain local and global variables and definitely many functions that construct it. Probably it was your fault of not giving the right priority to variables or the function call or their structure  went wrong .. So next time have a better programme with lesser mistakes and surely there will be less number of system crashes….but again the system will still crash and you simply need to re-programme it and  SURELY some mistakes are worth repeating… because people change and so do situations

Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles but it takes away today’s Peace, so close one chapter so that you can start reading the other!!!!



This is the beginning of the story that started 2 yrs back to achieve my dream. I had only one dream “MAKE IT LARGE”, but the question was HOW? and while i was thinking about this,I landed into this Engineering college ARMY INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY.The question of how still lingered in my mind.. My year as a freshmen was interesting, the college life was new to me,the people, the atmosphere, the hectic academic schedule and the never ending college fests and functions..and unknowingly i had already started answering my HOW’s and WHY’s. I  won many debate competitions and group discussions..this was the start of my dream..dream to be in the WORLD’s best university..to be trained by the best professors.As i proceeded into my sophomore my dreams started taking shape when i got the opportunity to do a project for DRDO R&DE (engrs) and thus started my journey of being introduced to a world of micro-controllers and microprocessors i started with Arduino and have presently been working with MSP430.My first experience was to write a 5 line code where in the light emitted by an LED was to be controlled in a manner such that it would emit light for a given number of seconds and be dormant for a fixed time and this was to happen continuously..though very amateurish and simple when i first saw the green light going on and off my happiness knew no limits.. and since then there never has been a turning back..be it generating an emergency lamp circuit or a solar tracker the journey the journey to achieve my dreams has always be ongoing and again unknowingly every step i take the HOW’s keep becoming clearer and clearer…This was the start of my journey ..with all the HOW’s and WHY’s..doubts and faith,trust and fear.. i keep taking if not the leap at least the step of faith. 

The start of a journey

This is the beginning of the story that started 2 yrs back to achieve my dream. I had only one dream “MAKE IT LARGE”, but the question was HOW? and while i was thinking about this,I landed into this Engineering college ARMY INSTITUTE of TECHNOLOGY.The question of how still lingered in my mind.. My year as a freshmen was interesting, the college life was new to me,the people, the atmosphere, the hectic academic schedule and the never ending college fests and functions..and unknowingly i had already started answering my HOW’s and WHY’s. I won many debate competitions and group discussions..this was the start of my dream..dream to be in the WORLD’s best university..to be trained by the best professors.As i proceeded into my sophomore my dreams started taking shape when i got the opportunity to do a project for DRDO R&DE (engrs) and thus started my journey of being introduced to a world of micro-controllers and microprocessors i started with Arduino and have presently been working with MSP430.My first experience was to write a 5 line code where in the light emitted by an LED was to be controlled in a manner such that it would emit light for a given number of seconds and be dormant for a fixed time and this was to happen continuously..though very amateurish and simple when i first saw the green light going on and off my happiness knew no limits.. and since then there never has been a turning back..be it generating an emergency lamp circuit or a solar tracker the journey the journey to achieve my dreams has always be ongoing and again unknowingly every step i take the HOW’s keep becoming clearer and clearer…This was the start of my journey ..with all the HOW’s and WHY’s..doubts and faith,trust and fear.. i keep taking if not the leap at least the step of faith.